SoftcoreTube is a website entirely dedicated to all kinds of pornography, no bullshit, just straight up porn. When I say "straight-up," I really mean it. It's almost all straight porn in here, but for the most part, you're going to get guy on girl stuff, and that's about it. They still jerk it off to lesbians a lot, which is kinda hypocritical, but that's a topic for some other occasion. Either way, it's best for us to focus on the more important things, which would be the popular content of this website, straight pornography.It's pretty neat, but you can always just whip out the google translator which happens to work just fine on most occasions, which is a great thing. The first impression of this page is quite nice. It looks like your average tube website, filled with tons and tons of pornography, and obviously, the abundance of hot thumbnails as soon as you open this website up is supposed to overwhelm you. I mean, you don't even know where to start from. It's just titties and asses all over the god damn place, and it's all kinds of girl that you get to see here as well. Some of them are white, some of them are black, some of them are Asian, too. So, no matter which race you fetishize, you're going to have a good time on SoftcoreTube, that's for sure. Then, if you want to see some older gals getting their guts wrecked by a horny hunk, this is still a great place to be, furthermore, if you're keen on seeing a skinny teen get their pussy fucked as hard as possible, this is still a great place to search. As I said, all kinds of pornography are available in here, but it's never going to be some really, really hardcore stuff, so rather, be ready for some vanilla-ish stuff. I know, I know, what the hell would you even call "vanilla"? Well, a few years ago it was porn where you would see shit like a couple fucking with the lights down in their bed while holding hands and shit. With time, the definition broadened, and now "vanilla" means a couple who like to choke each other until they almost pass out, having hardcore anal sex. Yep. It's like that these days. Even ass licking is considered to be vanilla stuff these days, so it's quite obvious that times change. So, what exactly is vanilla porn? Well, when I say vanilla porn, I mean that you will find stuff that most people are able to masturbate to. Even if ass eating isn't your thing in real life, for example, you still might be able to masturbate to it. Even if anal sex isn't your thing in real life, you might still be able to jack it to some dude pounding a chick with a fat ass up the colon. See where I'm going? However, most people aren't able to get off to BDSM, porn where people shit and piss all over each other, hardcore torture porn isn't that entertaining for the few of us who are into some hardcore stuff in real life as well. So, basically, the type of content you get in here is all kinds of fucking where people don't cut each other and shit and piss on each other. That's the best way to put it. Now, we should talk about some other things, such as the design of this website and all the things that can be found on it. I'll say right away that you don't get a lot of tabs on SoftcoreTube, which is completely fine, as we really don't need them on a page such as this one. I mean, we're here for the pornography, we're not going to look for material to write an essay about why pornography is good for male health or something. They keep it simple, and we like it simple. Furthermore, they don't care that much about the visuals, so keep that in mind. If you're looking for a page with a lot of eye candy, this ain't it, chief.